Kukatpally, Hyderabad, India
Mon - Sat : 11:00 AM - 08:00 PM, Sun : 11:00 AM - 02:00 PM
+91 7207676831


Our Health Care Solutions


Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapy (OT) helps child to participate in the activities they want to do in their daily lives. Occupational therapists work with individuals who have physical, mental, or cognitive impairments that affect their ability to perform everyday activities, such as dressing, grooming, eating, working, and participating in leisure activities. Fine motor activities such as handwriting, cutting with scissors, clothing fasteners ,or difficulty opening containers.

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Sensory Integration Therapy

Sensory integration is the process through which we sense the world around us. Dysfunction in Sensory Integration observed as:

  • Falling, stumbling, bumping into things.
  • Language delay.
  • Difficult social interaction.
  • Constant breaking and spilling of things.
  • Trouble in fine and gross motor skills over and under stimulated by senses (sound, texture, temperature, smell and taste).

Sensory Integration training is widely used for:

  • Autism spectrum Disorder.
  • Attention deficit and hyperactive disorder.
  • Learning and Intellectual disabilities.
Neurodevelopmental Therapy

Neurodevelopmental Therapy

Neurodevelopmental therapy (NDT) is a type of therapeutic approach to treat child with neurological conditions or injuries, such as cerebral palsy. Such therapy focuses on addressing motor control and movement difficulties through the understanding of the underlying motor and sensory impairments. The goal of NDT is to help individuals achieve more functional and efficient movement patterns by identifying and addressing motor and sensory issues.


Assessment and Consultation

Assessment is the process of gathering information about child's skills, strengths, challenges, and goals related to activities of daily living. Consultation is a collaborative process in which an OT provides expert advice and guidance to an individual or group regarding a specific problem or situation. Both assessment and consultation are important components which help the occupational therapist to understand the individual's needs and develop an appropriate plan of care.

Dental Surgery

ADL Training

ADL training, or Activities of Daily Living training, focuses on helping child to regain or improve their ability to perform daily self-care tasks. The goal of ADL training is to promote independence, safety, and quality of life for the child. During ADL training, OT provides hands-on assistance to make the tasks easier to perform.


Parent Training

Parent training is used to address a variety of goals, such as improving the child's social skills, managing challenging behaviors, or promoting independence with daily activities. In this program parent usually, the mother is trained as a therapist for the child to deal with challenging situations in everyday life. Here they learn to understand their kid and a range of skills that could be used at home with their child.

Role of Occupational Therapy For School Going Children

Elementary school children acquire essential life skills related to self-care, productivity, and leisure, which lay the foundation for their future years. Occupational therapy plays a vital role in fostering children's independence and confidence. Moreover, OT can identify the underlying factors contributing to issues such as weak pencil grip, limited attention span, poor visuo-perceptual abilities, and motor skill deficiencies.

Reasons for Requiring Support of Vasudha CDC

Early child development lays the groundwork for lifelong learning, behavior, and health. The experiences during their early years shape child's brain development, learning abilities, social skills, and resilience in the face of challenges.

At Vasudha, we take full responsibility for assisting your child with behavioral and developmental issues. We ensure an engaging experience that helps children learn exciting things through physical activities. Our spaces are designed to create a home-like feeling, and our team adds value to the process.